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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hof Allne Wind

Hof Allne Wind www.hofallnewind.ch is an organic farm and community in Birmensdorf near Zürich.
9 people live there at the moment, including 5 children.
Hausi, the owner, inherited the place and built it up again after it burned down totally about 15 years ago.

They are living there self-sustaining and also selling what they produce (vegetables, meet, eggs, milk) on the local market in Zürich.

The community (that doesn't really define as one) is open to guests in general,
who are expected to help with the work on the farm and follow clear rules,
but when we came there with ten people it was getting too much for the wife of Hausi,
who is mother of 3 children, and she told us we could not stay long.

So we spent one night in the hay house... freezing a bit but enjoying the smell...

and me I felt quite sad about having to leave this soon,
as I met the boyfriend of an old friend of mine there,
who comes from a neighbor village of mine (in Bavaria)
and knows lots of people that I know...
for me a circle was closing....

But still it was good to have been there anyway
and so 7 of us left with Hausi to go catch the farms goats
that spent the summer running around freely on a mountain
in the Italian part of Switzerland and are brought back to Birmersdorf in winter.
(See entry about Alps (soon, it was so amazing were still trying to write about it!!)

The rest of us -after trading some of our nice pumpkins and SoWell for some selfmade goat cheese and eggs -went on to Schule mit Herz already.

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