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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Exchange economy : starting with a stone- ending up with a scooter :-)

Since we are travelling we have been trading a lot without any money ...

Our newest trading game:
Aris from Slowenia gave us some sceletons of sepia she found in France,
that she had painted some celtic signs on which have different meanings... from inspiration to gentleness...

So everyone of us got the same thing now (well, moreless, as we have different signs and meanings, and also some of us carved some nice things into it...)
We will try to trade it for something else, which we will trade again and again and again...

Aris told about this girl who started to do this thing with a stone and ended up having a scooter
So we will try our luck and see what everyone will have in the end of the tour :-)

Moreover we will tell everybody he shall trade on with the sceleton
until whole world is trading with those sceletons ;-)

Artur already traded his sceleton with the nice human body and the heart on it against a button from the longo mai cooperatives with a nice "sheep-yin yang" on it.
Hope Bruno from fairent.ch will trade on with it

We want to inspire people to trade more like this again - also as we experienced it really works (even without sceletons ;-) )

For example: having a holiday house for painting Franks wagons...
exchanging some pumpkins and nuts against cheese and eggs at Hof Allne Wind...
... helping to cook for the seminary guests of Lena and Jana in the Schule mit Herz for staying there
... helping to build an oven in Clos du Doubs for stay and food...

So, just don't use this worthless paper no more
It's much more fun without!

Imagine there would be no money ...
no banks...
no stress in the supermarket...
no poor people...
no inflations...

but people would be trading with ... arts... ?

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